Thursday, April 16, 2020

Design taking shape

These are the current small dark stars. Next up will be bright stars from these organza pieces, sari fabric. And there will be bright and dark hexies and clamshells.

This piece is shaping up now, probably large. It doesn't do to think it all out ahead of time, nor to discuss it much. That tends to foreclose on possibilities.

But there's a swirl of ideas in mind. My mental design wall is buzzing like Pixar. Stay tuned.


  1. Very nice, the sari fabric looks to be quite interesting to see as stars.

    1. The organza is murderous to handle, has its own way of life. But it looks good stitched.

  2. Does the cardboard come out in the end?

    1. Yes. It's just to keep the shape during handling. When you're making an entire work in epp, the card templates come out after the entire structure is complete.

      This work I'm doing involves appliqueing the motifs to another background fabric, the templates will come out just before the pieces, here stars, are put in place.

  3. so different from the way I work. I have an image in my mind and work towards that. changes get made of course but I never just fiddle waiting to be inspired.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love that your mental design is buzzing. That's how I feel about word working and baking - which to me are both very much the same. Happy Buzzing.

  5. Mental design wall - great terminology. Would be fun to climb inside and see what is churning about in there.

    1. That's debatable! It gets pretty noisy at times.


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