Friday, September 11, 2020

Princeton Chapter EGA

 If you've been interested in the different embroidery forms you're seeing as the robe progresses, maybe you'd like to take a stroll through the blog I used to write, when I was a member of the Embroiderers Guild of America

Go to Princeton Chapter EGA

The link takes you to the most recent entry. Scroll back to travel backwards in time. I never did succeed in getting anyone to take it on and continue it, after my own life needed me to move on, but I left it open, just in case, because hope springs eternal!

I created and, for several years, wrote this blog of our various adventures as the Princeton Chapter, Embroiderers Guild of America.

I added a lot to my repertoire of embroidery styles during those years,  and improved my stitching skills quite a bit, as well as having the best fun, with great stitchers.

I served two terms as president, too, and taught several workshops. Several members still read my personal blogs, so they might enjoy the memories, too. Hi to them!


  1. Thank you for the reminder about the group - I followed it for a long time and it was interesting to go back and scroll through once again. Lots of inspiration in that group!

    1. I learned such a lot. Very generous sharing went on. Still does, I expect. I think they're meeting on-line.

  2. Nice blog, it is sad it hasn't kept going. There's beautiful embroidery there in the museum.

    1. NJ has a great history in textiles as well as pottery.


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