Monday, February 24, 2020

Loom now freed up

I released the four weavings and steam pressed them. They need to rest before I do the finishing.

Meanwhile I can warp up again and use the cotton warping thread for weft as well.

I find I like the smaller book size better, so I think I'll go with that for a bit. I plan on some different techniques with the cotton weft.  I put my hand in the pix for proportional information, posh way to say how big,or small, the weavings are.

Right now I need to wait, tired, vision blurry. Eye doctor today, nothing ominous, nothing progressing, except I need new rx, different for each eye. He can get me to 20/30 with luck.  I'm recycling the frames, just too expensive to buy new. As it is, the lenses are north of $700. That's aside from the Medicare covered exam and testing.

He also wants me to wear safety goggles while I spin and weave because the microscopic fibers irritate my eyes. I guess I'll try it, but I'm liable to get irritated over wearing them. We'll see. I have them somewhere, but I used them mainly for drilling.  I  may have to get new ones.

All in all, I'm blessed. And eager to get on with the weaving.


  1. Glad to share. My eye doctor wants to see the books when they're done! He can't quite visualize what I'm talking about.

    1. I'm afraid I still can't quite visualize them, but am looking forward to that Aha! (for me) post. :) And wow, that's really interesting about spinning and loose fibers getting in your eyes. It shouldn't surprise me, though. Just winding a ball of yarn by hand will get my nose to itching.

  2. Beautiful colors! I have no abilities with weaving,knitting or sewing. At my mother's insistence, I tried but just created many hours of frustration and a sense of failure.

  3. You tried. It's not your thing. Consider it delegated to me, and enjoy the results!

  4. I'm with you in the eye was eye dr day today for Resident Chef and I and I ended up with two lots of drops in each eye with the interesting report that I have cataracts (which explains why I can't see the computer screen properly!!). RC is getting full-time glasses, also well north of 700$. I opted to not replace mine until after the cataracts get dealt with prob. 6 mos to a year down the road. Love the incredible colours you've been working with.

  5. Arghgh on the cost of seeing! I have Medicare coverage which is wonderful except where it isn't. It covers eye exam and tests if there's a condition warranting them. But not the results! My bill was just for lenses. I'm recycling expensive old frames. I have mild cataracts which don't need attention yet. But when they do, they'll be covered.


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