Thursday, February 27, 2020

Green supply ready, learning has happened

I used one of the green set of filters here, see the floss  bobbin, nicely filled with one filter'sworth of thread. The color didn't come off on my fingers, good.

I was interested to see it was harder to spin than the first. I wonder what that was about.

 The next one will be spun z. I think I was spinning s on this one and it felt as if I were working against its real direction. So the next one I'll do differently and see what's up.

 I didn't realize, since I was using my thumbs, not the spindle, which direction I was going. When you spin the spindle, usually you flick it to spin clockwise, z. But when I slowed down to observe, it looked like counterclockwise, s. Which is okay if the paper doesn't argue the point. Paper, however, has a grain and direction, and I may have been working against it.

I have two thoughts for next time: make sure I'm spinning s, which my thumbs might not like, t'ain't  nat'ral, Missy, or start at the other end of the strip and see if that works better.

Amazing amount of learning in this little nutshell of a project.


  1. I'm having another 'who knew?' moment (which tends to happen a lot when I come for a visit with you!!). That green is wonderful btw.

  2. It's all about knowing a bit then letting the materials tell you more.

  3. You are so talented because you learn, Hats ioff to you!

    1. Thank you. You put your finger right on why I love artmaking -- there's always more to learn.


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