Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Spin, ply, KNIT!

I've started knitting my sweater or jacket or whatever it will be, for a couple of reasons.

One is that I don't know how much to spin to make enough yarn, so I'll start to knit and find out how far I've spun. If (when) I run out, I'll resume spinning and plying more yarn supplies.

The other is that I can't wait any longer to find out how this yarn knits up or what gauge I'm going to get.

It's going to be diagonally knitted rectangles, which is why you see a triangle here. 

The loops at the end of the rows are yarn overs, which will be a lacy seam when I construct it. Credit goes to Sarah Swett for this cool idea.

I'm working on #8 straight needles, gauge looks like 4 stitches and 7 rows to the inch.

This gives me the option of doing math to figure out the ultimate size of this piece, which will be the back. Or I can just try it as I go, a more likely procedure for me. I have a jacket to use as a template if I get all carried away with notions of accuracy. 

But this is a warm casual item, size only matters as far as  being confident it's big enough.

I'm doing it in diagonal rectangles, two for the front, one the back, and the sleeves will be straight knitted. Or possibly woven. We'll see when we get there. And maybe the fronts will be shaped at the top to create a v opening. 

Endless opportunities for indecision.


  1. You will need about 20 oz. of yarn for this, I think.

    1. I have no means of weighing it. And I don't know the yardage of my spun yarn. So it's see how I go!

  2. I look forward to the results. The colors are amazingly cheerful.

  3. Oh boy - 'endless opportunities for indecision', that's my life in a nutshell!


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