Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Needed a rest from knitting, so there's spinning..

 This is a pretty challenging fiber.  I think it may be silk from saris.  At any rate, it's a lot of parallel slippery parts, with little to no fluff to catch.  So it's the very devil to spin, short staple, very tricky.  The black and white threads are the strongest, but the red parts falls apart if you breathe on them.

Anyway, I persevered and adapted my spinning and drafting to accommodate it, and I am getting actual yarn from it.  I will have to be sure and ply this with a wool single, so as to have a yarn that will hold together in handling.

It's all an interesting journey.  I need to spin more so as to keep up the supply for knitting. This much knitting has used about three quarters of my supply of yarn.

1 comment:

  1. I can see lots of spinning in your future so it's a good thing you invested in your new tool.


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