Wednesday, October 28, 2020

First results of plying

 Plying is a great visual experience, as you work, you see the colors flying past. This is the second time only that I've done it, and I'm starting to develop beginning skills.

Plying is done by attaching two spun single plies of yarn then spinning them together using the spindle in the opposite direction from the way you spun the singles. So since I spun clockwise, I  ply counterclockwise. There are various cute bowls and boxes, with cute folksy names,  to feed the yarn for plying but I didn't bother, just let the yarn balls lie on the floor, yarn behind my wrist, while I stood to ply. You have to stand because plying is lightning fast and the spindle is down to the ground, yarn plied,  before you know it. And gosh is it a shoulder exercise. By the time this was done, my arms refused to go up and down any more!

I noticed at first weird little tails appearing and realized that the two plies were not taking up at the same speed, one was plying back on itself, so I paid more attention to that, to get them paying out together  evenly and managed to do better. No tails after that.

Views of the yarn to show you the various colors happening. Once they're wound into balls the colors tend to vanish. But it will be interesting to knit, or possibly weave, i have a new idea, and see them reappear.

As you see, chunky yarn and it's wonderfully soft and warm. It will take a long time, and keep me occupied, always a good thing. And I'll improve my plying just as I'm improving my spinning.

I already have a good idea of the design of the top, rectangles with dropped sleeves, and the front and back will be partly knitted diagonally. I'm also thinking of the option of creating a cardboard loom to the bodice shape I made for the Joanne jacket and weaving on there. There's plenty of time to consider that, since this is slow and labor intensive process. And the top can be a knit and weave combo. 

But first I have to produce the yarn. It's so good to have a continuing project going. Good for your spirits at a difficult worrying time.


  1. I actually love the unevenness of your early attempts at plying. I think it will make for some very interesting projects you end up creating.

    1. Yes, the unevenness is a feature of art yarn, which is what this is. I'm looking forward to receiving the roving ends I ordered to enlarge the color range. It's been shipped but is still wending its way.

  2. I have never done anything like that but it is interesting to see!

  3. Interesting concept to combine both knitting and weaving into a garment. I'll be watching this evolve with great interest.


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