Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Good, I'm here, where's my friends, then?

 One new doll completed. Already agitating for friends because he might get lonely.

Okay, okay, I'm on it.


  1. He does look ready for friends!

  2. Replies
    1. There's a point in the making of any doll where it suddenly becomes a being with attitude. He's already working on me.

  3. yep, that's attitude. Does he have a name? I love the feel of hands 'hidden' in the pockets...

    1. I never name them. I leave that to the real eventual owners.

    2. That hands in pockets illusion is one of my favorite things about the pattern. It's a clever design. The dolls look casual and playful, just right for little kids in scary situations. And a very simple pattern. I pretty much know it by heart at this point.

  4. Another cutie that will make a small someone very happy.


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