Saturday, December 1, 2018

Saturday morning in the studio..

Cold out there, frosty. So continuing with the granny square and circles caper, after breakfast in bed.

These bits may end up being parts of something, meanwhile they're a way to learn and relearn some crochet stuff. 

You'd be amazed at the numbers of corners I've managed to get into a square.


  1. what great little christmas ornaments those would make...
    I do like the green center/white edged one. That looks like the start of something interesting that hasn't happened yet.

    1. That's pretty much how it's going! Sthg interesting that hasn't happened yet!! Not exactly a novelty around here.

  2. No I didn't laugh at the number of corners in a square - perhaps you're not making a square at all, but maybe a heptagon....or an octagon....or a trapezoid....

    1. One version was a buckled triangle, sounds like the name of a band. One had a twist in the middle and an extra corner on a side, just in case I ran out. I'm getting better. But I can't talk and hook.

  3. I once took a 3-dimensional Design course and was amazed to discover how many corners there are in EVERYTHING!

  4. In my 3D class life I found everything was improved by being set on a little plinth. Not sure how to apply that to crochet..


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