Thursday, December 20, 2018

My entire crochet repertoire to date

To those veteran crocheters who read this blog, this is probably sweet, oh, look what she's proud of! But in fact I am. Dark winter day, available light low, sorry.


New learning in the last few days, thanks to YouTube. Just trying my hook at a shell pattern now. This is about the sixth go at it,  learning a bit more each time. I count it learned once I can reliably do the stitch without referring back to the source. As for reading patterns, that's a future adventure.

One of the hazards of  crochet is that the terms are different in North America from the UK. So you have to know which continent your YouTube teacher is based on. The shell lady is a Brit, excellent teacher, Bella Coco, and she does explain at the outset. But then I forget to translate and when she says to do a double, I do, and later realize it's what I know as a single. Likewise her treble is my double. So thinking is involved, always a problem! Jayda Stitches, I think, is the Granny square lady, North American, and Arne and Carlos the circle guys. Carlos goes totally overboard constantly translating Brit and NA terms, while Arne, crocheting at the speed of light, interjects the Norwegian stitch names!

Just a shout out to the YouTube presenters, including the aforementioned,  who know how to use the camera so their hands are visible, who talk clearly and slowly, who have good lighting, and good resolution. They really deserve support.

As learners do, too!


  1. I'm impressed, truly. My husband's aunt taught me how to crochet, long ago, I made a hat, and promptly forgot how to do it.

    And I think teaching yourself a new (or long forgotten) skill is commendable. So there.

    1. Thank you! I always like to have a learning area in mind for the winter. One year it was improving my spindle spinning, and this year it seems to be skills in knitting and crocheting.

  2. You're doing great! My first crochet project (when I was about 12 or so) was to undertake a gigantic single granny square afghan - with yarn that was similar in weight to sock yarn. It's a wonder I still like to crochet after completing that thing!!!

    1. It's a wonder you didn't have to be rescued from under it when it was finished!

  3. It occurs to me that I didn't explain ive made loads of crocheted items -- scarves, wall hangings, a vest. But they're all in double crochet. I'm enlarging my stitch repertoire. Not enough to do just one stitch! So now it's singles, slips, trebles, shells, as well as doubles. There are loads of crochet stitches to explore.


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