Friday, January 22, 2021

Jacket left front in progress

Here we are with the jacket, the left front. Or maybe the right, I'll decide soon before I start shaping.

The first section is my last couple of days of spinning and plying. It takes about four times as long to spin as to knit. 

The first section is better spun than the next, which is pretty chunky. Moving along.


  1. Looks good. It will be fabulous to see the jacket all sewn together.

  2. You remind me of the old sheep to shawl meets. It took two spinners to supply one weaver. Except my sister and I. We could keep up with the other always. One contest required two spinners and one spinner on our team had to quit. I taught my daughter to spin, to be the ringer. However, she was good, and contributed to the shawl. We won and got a blue ribbon, which we gave to her. I offered to buy her a wheel "No thanks, all I wanted was the ribbon."

    1. Great story! Wheel spinning is faster than spindle, more continual motion. I love my spindles though.

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing this completed. However, you want to enjoy the journey of the creation!


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