Friday, August 9, 2013

Midst Shot and Shell

Well, seashell in fact.  I'm beading and goldworking this little shell and would like a bit of input from you embroidering blogistas.  You see the section across the top which in an actual shell would be a sort of lip? I think of beading in there, too.  Or would you leave it open?  I've been looking at this for hours and have lost the ability to see it properly, you know how that goes.  So please chime in with your advice, which will be greatly appreciated and maybe even listened to!

The colors didn't come out true:  that upper section which looks like white beading, is in fact lovely pink beads with a white cast on them, very like the interior of one of these shells, and the fabric is a piece of tobacco brown linen or maybe rayon, or moygashel or something, nice to work through, but frays a bit, because I was so excited about getting into it that I forgot to tape the edges.

The other beads are taken from the necklace I thrifted the other day, nice range of browns and ambers and mixed, and the blue ones at the bottom I bought ages ago as beads, amazing, at retail.

This is a small piece, maybe 4 x 4 total.  It's probably going to be a gift to the person who gave me a ton of kits recently after she was searching for her blender, remember that funny sequence?  This was one of the kits, except it was supposed to be crewel, but I thought beads and goldwork would be better for the subject. 


  1. Well never let it be said that I'm afraid to voice an goes....I think that the back 'part' could perhaps just be stitched in something akin to a satin stitch (ish) with either fine yarn or a full 6 strands of embroidery floss. I think if it were beaded there wouldn't be enough contrast between the outer and the inner parts of the shell. There's my two cents (which, with current inflation, doesn't count for a hill of beans).

  2. Hm. I was leaving the inner part of the shell untouched, as brown linen, and thinking about beading/not beading that outer edge only, the lip.But your idea about stitching might be very good applied to that outer edge. Thank you!

    And now I wonder if I should stitch the inner part....decisions, decisions.

  3. My first instinct too was to satin stitch the edge, rather than bead it. Unless you can find some square or rectangular beads. Another alternative would be to bead it, but then do another row of stem stitch to emphasise the edge of the shell.
    I know you are not thinking of embroidery, but it struck me that french and colonial knots would fill up the blank spaces while still allowing the background colour of the fabric to show through. Just a thought, as I tend to go over the top with embellishing.

  4. THis is very helpful, thank you.

    In fact what I did, supposed to be reading but couldn't resist going back and doing more stitching, was to do long and short stitch in two different shades, first dark gold, after dark reddish brown on that interior part, then a mixture of both in the needle, then a single strand of the dark color over them, then I laid them with the tip of my scissors, and did a few satin stitches in the outer part of that lip with two colors in the needle at once.

    And THEN I put a row of small very dark beads along the base of the inside. Too tired and the light's not good enough tonight to pic them,but I will and we'll see how it works then. I think it's done!

  5. I'm too late to this party but what you have done sounds pretty good. I look forward to the pics.

  6. like Caroline french knots sprang to mind,

  7. The French knots idea is a great one, to alternate with beads next time I'm doing a beaded project. It will be a great optical illusion. Thanks so much everyone for the idea.


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