Paperclips to hold the warp rather than a removable jig, after a morning yesterday of total failing too sad to recount. Involving the total explosion of a fully warped jig just at the moment of installing it in the loom, ready to get to the supplemental warps.
I did rescue the warp thread, and you see it here in use, warped up with fifty clips top and bottom. Yesterday I decided to quit while I was behind.
Today is another day, another chance. Fifty clips across approximately three inches, will probably widen a little when I get it organized, about 16 epi, that's like stitches per inch.
I'm not on the loom I intended, since if I can't get the jig working I need either longer Velcro bands to secure the warp rods, here knitting needles, or shorter sides on the loom, which I can do but not this morning. So this is a set of stretchers.
There's always a way to get there, even if it's not the one you first thought of!