Sunday, August 12, 2018

Why I like toe up socks

You can try as you go. Here I'm using knitpicks fingering in two different gradients, and I'm changing up the colors as I want, rather than following the gradient as it comes. On the toe I did wrap and turn for the shortrowing, but didn't like it so much, and for the heel I'm doing the plain shortrowing. I like it better without the fussy wraps.

Duncan is still with me, sinking, but he  keeps reviving and postponing his end, and here he is checking the fit. He revived to the point of chasing the working needle and getting involved in the yarn.

Really liking these to date.

Another large stash of yarn is coming my way soon, from a friend who died a couple of days ago. Her sister wants me to deal with it, which I will. A bit for me, a lot to share around.


  1. and a hug for duncan. Been there, more than once. They do seem to handle it much better than we do...

  2. I'm glad I didn't rush things about Duncan a few weeks ago, since he's had quite a few nice times since. He's not distressed which I think is a big thing in the decision making.

  3. Hugs about Duncan. The sock is lovely and sad about you losing your friend but it is good her craft will bless others.


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