Monday, March 9, 2020

Wool covered books in progress and an older piece

I cut the pages for two of the wool books from coffee filters.

 They're a bit brittle, probably from dyeing. And I cut card backing to reinforce the covers.  My fingers are a bit tired, so I'll wait on stitching a day or so.

But now I know how to do the Coptic binding, I can complete some other artist books I had done covers for, like the fabric ones shown with the wool books. They're 8"×7", big by comparison.

The stitching is the Japanese sashiko technique. I lined it with a Chinese brocade.  I haven't decided what kind of paper for the pages, maybe drawing quality.

And there are a couple of woven paper covers, mounted on card already. These were my own photographs, fed through a straight shredder.
You might want to try this, it's great fun.  You could use binding other than Coptic though, if you wanted to create a spine and end covers.

 You can create your own journal, or book for knitting and project notes. Or a field notebook for drawing and writing up interesting sightings from outdoors. I've made books to record gardening planting in the past, to remind myself where I'd planted perennials so as not to spade them up by mistake the following year.

I think self care includes making beautiful items for your own use.  Because you're worth it!


  1. The charm of the textures is beautiful.
    Junk mail soaked, glued and set on screening for homemade paper is something I've want to try.

  2. Oh, do it! And show us pictures.

  3. I like the woven paper covers. maybe I'll make a little book of my colored pencil drawings but I need to do more first.

  4. Please do. And show us, too. I've made quite a few books from artworks that have been exhibited, didn't need to be in frames. It's a good way to honor them without filling up your walls and house with framed work.

  5. Hmmm - the thought of weaving shredded papers is intriguing. The thought of taking a couple of photos and cutting them into strips (wider) and then weaving them together might make a statement. Might not too!

  6. If you want to try the photos, you get two copies of the same photo to weave, one for the warp one for weft. That's how they create a balance.

  7. Oh fun! The woven strips of shredded photos make a wonderful book cover!

  8. Fascinating. Things I never think of.

  9. I agree with your thoughts on self care. So important to take the time for fun like this.


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