Monday, March 23, 2020

Cookbookbookmark in action

I knotted and cut off the fringes of the little weaving. This is cotton warp yarn, and I like the color range.

It seems to go with the bread book.

Now I'm thinking about the next weaving.


  1. nifty bookmark. and guess what - I have the same bread book. usually bake one loaf a week.

    1. I make a whole recipe of the bread in the page you see, which makes four loaves, cut into quarters after baking. It's about 2+ weeks of bread. I don't think I've bought bread in years.

  2. Replies
    1. Have we stumbled on a minor artform: bookmarks that work with the contents? Thinking now about a bookmark for a mystery, or Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, or Catcher in the rye, etc.

  3. Perfect pairing! Books is going on my library wish list - for when it opens again.

    1. I'm still getting used to not having libraries open all the time. Keep trying to go in, then remembering.

    2. Yikes- just reread my comment and obviously I didn't proofread it! Books is/books are/book is...


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