Thursday, September 12, 2019

Trouble came a-callin

Soooo, friend stops in this afternoon, and presents me with half a ton of knitting needles and crochet hooks, to pass on to new homes,and  this new rabbit hole:

She found it in the course of emptying her house into mine, I mean tidying, and brightly suggested I might like to learn tatting this winter.

She never learned it, just got as far as acquiring the shuttle and instructions. And we can guess how old the instructions are, from the style of the booklet.

I sort of know what it is, and suspect it's the knotted thread equivalent of hexies. But why not.

I'm sure there's raw material for any number of terrible puns, too, over which we'll draw a veil.


  1. I promise, no smart ass remarks. When I was in the 9th grade a boy whom we shall call 'odd' told me that he knew how to knit, crochet, and do embroidery. When he could find a woman who could teach him to tat, he'd marry her.
    He stared at me intently and said, "you don't tat, do you?" and I vowed right then I would never learn. I was afraid he'd find me.

    But it does make some pretty lacy things, I have several pieces here that my husband's grandmother made, long ago. I think it may be the poor man's version of lace making. Enjoy, enjoy.

  2. Could he cook? All I know about tatting is that a friend of mine went on a weekend two day workshop to learn it and came home very happy and pleased with the two inches of grubby lacy stuff she'd achieved.

    So I concluded that it's slow. Suitable for the long cold winter we're promised by the Old Farmer.

  3. Oh my. Have fun! Tatting and lacemaking are two things I decided long ago to stay away from. Like glassblowing. Actually I very much enjoy glassblowing as a spectator event, but the process goes a good bit faster than the other two ;)

  4. I wonder if it's the compulsive aspect you're protecting yourself from! I can't resist the chance to learn a new skill, if only to find out how it goes.


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