Thursday, September 5, 2019

Rough draft, paper weaving and transparencies

This is the start of some new thinking. Two printed silk images of the strawberry field piecing, over paper weaving of three other images, one new, two the paper backing from the silk prints.

This is where I decide how much is enough, how much more to do. But for now, this can sit a day or two, while I think about it.

I expect quilters would have got off the bus a few stops ago.

Using the paper shredder to make the weaving strips was quite exciting. I had forgotten that "auto" means "on without pushing a button".. so I plugged in, inserted a paper and roarrrrrr, spit, flitter, flitter, and there were strips all over the place. Ah.

After that I remembered how to lie in wait and catch the strips in a quick handful. And have it at "off", until I was ready, a  point which escaped me earlier.


  1. Hi Liz, it's Olga from Knitting and crocheting. I love both of your blogs and will read them from the present to the past! I love your writing, and it's almost as if I can hear you speaking the words. Cheerio

  2. That was fast! Thank you for reading along. Enjoy.


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