Monday, July 7, 2014

Art Pilgrimages Part Two

After the local exhibit, on to the Art Museum in Princeton, to experience drawings and a sculpture of Lee Bontecou, a powerful but emotionally draining artist.  She works a lot with soot and graphite on muslin as well as on paper.  The richest deepest black you ever saw.  

The quality of my pix leaves a lot to be desired, between the low exhibit light and the sheer size of the works. For a much better pic and more info, go here.

Her inspiration for openings and mystery has to do with ancient structures in Italy, and as I strolled around the Woodrow Wilson gardens after I was all wrung out with Bontecou, I noticed a couple of wellheads from Italy, which I saw in quite a different way after the exhibit.

In fact one of the wonderful things about really great art is that your vision is permanently affected by it.  You perceive differently and better and with more meaning.  

 Here, after the wellhead, I noticed all the different forms of structure at the bike rack outside the museum, with an outdoor sculpture in the background and the white summer umbrellas in place. 

I always make a point of walking the Woodrow Wilson gardens on a museum trip, since they change seasonally, and so do the people there.  This is the house and gardens of Wilson when he was President of Princeton, before he was demoted to POTUS.  Joke alert there.

Home worn out in every way, in a good way, to a cup of tea and a rest to think about the afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for these, Liz. and the photos you took are just as enchanting as the subject matter.

    I especially love the (intentional or otherwise) juxtaposition of art and nature, each enhancing the other all the way.


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