Friday, December 17, 2010

Knitting is an art form, too

Being a person with great difficult in following rules, even ones I've put in place myself, it follows that adventures in knitting are about creating and designing as much as following instructions.

This piece is part of a large wallhanging incorporating many knitting stitches, and several pieces of work, in mason's twine and sisal, intended as an outdoor wallhanging, and which became a playground for Carolina wrens who would run in and out of the gaps, yank on them, try to remove bits for nesting, and generally take part in the enterprise.

This is pretty much an antique! I knitted it, adapting to SO's shorter arms and deeper chest than the Scandinavian design, about, um, can I say this, fifty years ago...It's still in the house, last worn quite recently. Hard for SO to get into sweaters now but I have hesitated to cut into it to make a jacket. Up to now.

This thing, no idea what it is, is knitted from some silky anonymous yarn with a life of its own, and the ONLY way to get a picture was to tether it to a handrail! otherwise it would leap in the air at the crucial moment....warm as all getout to wear. The cats like it, too. It's an, an, an artwork...

Knitted wallhanging, adapted from the ancient ear of corn pattern

This is a mixture of knitted harvested cotton, overdyed to blunt the whiteness of the white parts, and a drape of plastic can connectors, ironed together to make a continuing fabric. This one is fun in person, and has been played with by several visitors to the house.

This little kimono, again adapted and changed, and now ready to adorn a baby not quite born yet, in California, whose Japanese mom likes the tribute to her culture.

Summer afghan, SO needs afghans for all seasons, and I design different ones depending on how I feel about it. Often they're based on quilt ideas, and created in modular fashion, so that they're portable, you never know when I might need to be working in the ER or ICU around here.

Log cabin style knitting. This is fun to build, using whatever yarns and colors you like. But it's not for people who hate picking up stitches.

This is a spiral sock, adapted from a Vogue much fussier pattern. I reduced it to basics, the spiral, on a stitch pattern of six plus one. Knitted in circular fashion, this is a wonderful mathematical exercise, since the six knit one purl pattern pushes the purl progress in the form of a spiral, very satisfying to work, and usually given to people who like math concepts as seen in knitting.

This is not knitting, it's a tapestry weaving, but it incorporated some lovely homespun yarn, a gift from a friend, spun by an expert, not by me! and it includes various string from the hardware store, lotus slices and various other yarns and ideas. The fuzzy ends were created by combing out the ends of the strings using a pet slicker brush.

This includes a number of fiber arts: knitting, knotting, twining, using string, and knitting using wire. The armature is a perch used by my dear late cockatiel.

This was a couple of hats and neckwarmer, all in harvested yarn, the hats in lambswool, the neckwarmer in cashmere, made as gifts for the blessed neighbor family who turned out twice last winter and dug out my car, bringing their three year old along to help! then moved the car out, and reversed it in, so that I could make a quick exit if necessary.

This is a wool afghan, created in squares, which I then arranged and rearranged until I got a pleasing design, quilt style, then crocheted together. The squares were knitted diagonally, always nice for an afghan that has to accommodate a person's legs and tuck in.

Everything except the wallhangings, is now in other people's collections, but the hangings are part of a fiber arts collection I'm working on for exhibit next year.

This piece is my part of an enormous group project of fiber arts, called The Milkweed Project. All the parts are white or cream, all created on the theme of the milkweed pod, and the project, now an installation, is traveling the US and Canada. When last heard of it was in a gallery in Ohio.


  1. Thank you for letting us see the results of your myriad talents - how wonderful to have a piece travelling to different locations!

  2. Thanks for subscribing to my blog. I'm now your sixth follower. It looks like you have some great pieces of knitting art. Can't wait to catch up with the rest of your blog.


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