Art, the Beautiful Metaphor, a gallery of original artworks by Liz Adams, and an ongoing work in progress, showing works in progress! My other blog is
for opinion, commentary, books, food and movies
All works by Liz Adams are copyright to her only, and may not be used in any form without explicit permission. Thank you for respecting my ownership.
I've finished the dozen pieces in my promised online show, all transparencies printed on silk gauze. These pieces are layered, literally and metaphorically, with varying meanings to whoever sees them. That's why I didn't name them. They're for you to interpret and enjoy. They're all new works, not exhibited anywhere except here.
They are all my own artwork (with the exception of a couple of iconic male sculpted heads), which I photographed and printed out on silk. They remind us that there are many layers in life, and very few yes/no, on/off choices. I used paintings, drawings, prints, weaving, stitching, painted eggs and photography as the bases for these pieces.
This is presented to you as part of my personal effort to support local good works, in the expectation that times will be getting harder for their clients, and, since my own income is very modest, I can't fund them directly, but I can parlay art into funds for them.
It works like this: each piece is available, matted and backed, for $75 plus $10 s and h (if you're outside the US, we might have to talk about this, I'll check ahead and let you know the exact amount). Of that amount, every penny other than my expenses in creating the works, will be directed to a local charity by me. And I will account to you, the buyer, for where your money went, just so you know you did a good thing! If you have a preference as to what sort of charity, is close to your heart, just say so and I will direct your money to that, locally to here. I will not be funding any political entities at all.
Each mat is 14 x 11" (35.5 x 28 cm), and the image opening is 9.5 x 7.5" (24 x 19 cm). This is a standard size, so you can frame for yourself if you'd rather avoid the frame shop. Every piece will be matted, with a backing sheet, acid free, in arctic white, in a protective clear envelope. The watermark, bu the way, is only online, not on the actual physical artwork.
So here's the show. Be in touch if you want to be part of the project by buying and enjoying original art. These are some of the best works I've done to date, and I think you'll like them.
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You can be in touch either via the comments section after this post (click on comments link, to open up the comment section), or by email at l xx adams at yahoo dot com, but no spaces, and use the usual "at" sign.
This morning when I woke to news I didn't expect nor welcome, I wondered for a moment whether I should get up at all. Then after a few minutes with two cats purring on my chest, I decided, oh well, art is vital, always will be, no matter what.
And today I had to take in three pieces to an exhibit at Homefront, The Gratitude Show, a joint show by Creative Collective artists and the artists of Homefront, run as a benefit for Homefront.
This seemed all the more important to get my art in there this morning, this being one of the more significant things I can do this year, and certainly today. So these three pieces, created from my handmade daylily paper, will be hung there.
Titled In the Clearing I, II and III, the message is that I'm grateful for the gifts of nature which enable me to make my own materials for art.
If you're local, see here for details on Homefront and directions; the Gratitude exhibit is at the Family Campus in Ewing. Opening on November 9 and running to January 4, there will be a reception December 11 from 1-3, and all are invited! please come, support the artists of Creative Collective as well as the artists of Homefront and the organization that partners with them in rebuilding their lives. If you can't come to the reception, you can call Director Ruthann Traylor at 609 883 7500 x316 and arrange a time to attend and enjoy a wonderful display of art, and maybe buy yourself a little something for the holidays, or to remember a friend who loves original art. And Homefront more than ever needs the support from this exhibit.
This morning, on 11.9, delivering art after stunning and frightening news, bookended that terrible morning on 9.11 when I delivered art to another group show, deciding that no matter what, art must go on. All the artists showed up then, without even discussing whether we should. And I think today at Homefront the same will happen. Art rises above the events of the day.
You know how cats do all sorts of things when anxious or hoping to conceal a mistake? known as displacement activity, it's seen as a way to defuse tension and anxiety.
I think my current knitting and spinning come under the same heading. And to prove it, here are the two pairs of fingerless gloves I made over the course of a few days when I was also doing a lot of other things. The upcoming election is the cause of much displacement activity stress reduction, in forms varying from comfort food, to knitting, to frantic emailing, to walking briskly, to tea drinking, and who knows how much else.
The white ones, the homespun, stay with me, fine by me, bumpy beginner spinning, but I'm proud of it anyway, the brown ones, storebought yarn, go to Handsome Son, who picked the yarn out of my small stash.
I originally had this brown yarn to knit comfort dolls for African children attended by an AIDS clinic, and used that color at the request of Billy, from ICROSS Canada, who said most of the children were very dark skinned and really wanted dolls like them, not the pink-faced ones people often knit by default. HS was torn over the choice between this and an exciting dark grey....which I had to make doll wigs with. But he loves his choice, so fiiiiiine.
Now wondering if spinning will work today, or if I should cast on some other item, who knows what.
All this spinning's fine, but there comes a moment, once there's a bag full of spun yarn, when a person thinks it's time to try it out as knitting material. The lumpy yarn is good for weaving artworks, but where the yarn was more consistent, time to try it out as something to wear.
The sudden final arrival of cold weather triggered a need for some warm gloves, since last winter's knitted gloves long ago became gardening items, so I figured some fingerless ones, in Coopworth lovely cosy yarn, would fit the bill. Since I'm still a learner, my yarn is not fine enough to ply yet, so this yarn is in the form of singles, and seems to work fine. I also did my first spit splice in the course of finishing one ball and starting the next, very proud of that accomplishment.
So here we are, and the second one is on the needles, so I'm safe from the peril of one gloveitis, which is similar to one sockitis, where your enthusiasm wanes after the first item, and is nowhere to be found when it comes to finishing the second one.
You'll notice that I'm using four, not five, needles, though the cast on is for 32 stitches, which would divide equally on four. I just find four too fussy, and prefer to knit around a triangle, but if you like to use all five of your set, this is a place to do it.
The pattern is a very well written one, free from Ravelry and her blog, and designed by someone whose name will be displayed here as soon as I track it down! sorry, lost in the mists of searching for the moment, but it's very nice. Good thumb gusset, and though this is a man's item, since I have big hands, it works fine for me. And the exposed fingertips make it easy to use phone and tablet where you have to make contact directly with the screen.
Of course now the weather has gone all warm again, but I'll be ready for when the cold gets us.