Hm. Strange hanging plant or what??
The current tranquillizer, in view of the new series of health crises in the household, is the Tiny Purse. These are one of a kind, just big enough for a cellphone, or Ipod or that kind of thing. Long strap, slings round your neck or over your shoulder, so you can't walk off without your stuff.
A while back I knitted blankets for rescued cats, same idea, tranquillizing in long days and nights in hospitals, waiting rooms, ICU places, and so on. The joke was the a bad week could be a two blankie week!
I've had a few two-purse days lately, purses being somewhat faster to make. So here are the current results. They will be in a craft show and sale in the Fall, to benefit rescued animals, same group as I made the blankets for.
It's a way of making lemonade out of the lemons life has been firing at us! great fun to pick over my yarn, and mix and match and design these items, mostly crocheted, some knitted depending on the yarn and my mood at the time and the state of my hands, which need changes from activity to activity.