Thursday, November 12, 2020

Spinning again, to Spinal Tap


I've been spinning again, and felt very pleased that I can spin without having my hands and arms shouting for a break.  However, I may have overdone it just a bit, since this morning I could have used a lever to get out of bed. My back explained she'd rather stay put, thank you, all stiff. I sort of hobbled to the bathroom, applied my go to, arnica gel, the real gel, and even that was a bit hard to do.  And it took effect quickly, so I'm functioning again.  But I don't think I'll spin today, much as I'd like to.  

I'd just reached a good place, where I was getting the drafting right, and the yarn was even and fine and as you see on the spindle, much better than the other sample on the cardboard roll.  However, I hope I can recover that magic spot when I pick it up again tomorrow.

The blue you see there? I picked that up in dim light, while I was watching Spinal Tap, and thought it was a soft grey, just nice for following the pink. Oh.  Anyway, once plied with the black, it won't matter much.

The drawback to watching movies like Spinal Tap, the Rockumentary, is that there's a lot of visual humor, and I can only watch when I'm winding the yarn onto the spindle.  When I'm spinning I have to observe the drafting process.  So it's a bit like catching the action on flash cards.  Still a very funny movie, though, highly recommended to people who spot the references.


  1. Definitely head the warning sign for backing off.

  2. I haven't see the movie. Will put it on the list.

  3. So sorry about your back - what would we do without arnica!

    1. There's another useful thing called Stopain, which sprays. Easier if it's hard to reach the hurting bits.

    2. Never heard of Stopain - perhaps it's not available here. We often use the good old fashioned Absorbine Senior. It's meant for use on horses and cattle but it works really well if you can get past the smell. They marketed a Junior version of it that's meant for humans but it doesn't work.


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