Sunday, August 28, 2016

Plainsboro Art Group Annual Show, 2016, theme Square One

This year's show has an additional feature:  under each hanging work is a square code, for smartphone users to scan.  Each code takes you to a jpeg showing either an earlier attempt, or the origin of the work, or raw materials which ended in what you see here.  Since I don't have a smartphone, I will use the other option: the links will be printed up for people to search on, instead. If you click on mine, you'll go to a bucket of daylily foliage, the raw material of the daylily paper work I entered here.

It's a strong show, again, and here's a general view of it.  Local people are all warmly invited to the reception, Monday evening, September 12 from 6-8 in the Gallery at Plainsboro Public Library. Bring your phone!

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1 comment:

  1. That looks like a fantastically diverse and high-quality show! I like the idea of unifying the show by means of the "square one" link, but as a person without a code scanning phone (one of a handful, I guess) that feature would have been lost on me. I would have enjoyed the show as hung, anyway, though!


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