Monday, July 29, 2019

Silk tumbling block suncatcher, rough draft

This is where we are right now.

Silk backing, with the first tumbling blocks cut out, and others waiting to be cut. These are the whole pieces, but the edges  will be folded over the paper templates. So these are bigger than the finished pieces will be.

This is just a bit of playing to see how they work together. Silk is not the easiest fabric to work with, slips around, but it's lovely enough to persevere anyway. Great transparency. 


  1. Just catching up on all your current stitching adventures, Liz. Wow, having hand-sewn silk at one time years ago, I am in awe of your vision for this project!

  2. I've wrapped quite a few of the blocks now, and find that if I hold my mouth just right, it's really doable after all.

    And I'm deep into designing my next piece, now that I notice a few of the parts are also the trusty old 60degree rectangles, for which I have the cutting template already made for the silk piece.

  3. Kudos to you for even attempting to hand stitch with silk - frustration abounds with that stuff slip sliding all over. But it's so beautiful that it makes all the angst worthwhile!

  4. True, and it makes working in cotton so much easier by contrast!


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